Saturday 22 June 2013

Prepping the M60 for camouflage

I started masking the M60 so I can do the camouflage. I learned from masking the Puma that I do not want to mask the entire tank for one color, then paint, remove masks and re-apply for the next color.

Now, I have masked everything that needs to remain the same base colour. I will then paint 1 colour, let it dry, add extra masks where this new colour needs to remain, then add the 3rd colour, add more masks, then paint the 4th.

I used tape on the flat surfaces, putty everywhere else and Humbrol Maskol, just for the sake of trying this product out. At first, I tried to follow the paint guide and the boxart, but gradually I started just slapping the putty on, because some details are just too hard to get right and who's to decide which camouflage pattern is right and which is not.

The next step will be to add white paint where the details will come (it's not necessary to paint the entire model) then mask the white details, presumably using Maskol.

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